Phal. bellina var 'Blue'

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 Phal. bellina 'Blue' (coerulea) is a blue/purple variation of the much popular bellina.  Blooms are very fragrant similar to the bellina.

Standard compact Phal species endemic to Borneo, an epiphyte found growing in canopy of trees with abundant shaded light and allows wetness from the rainforest and dry-out from being above the ground. Blooms are very fragrant, 5-6cm, fuchia gradient to yellow/white.

💚Difficulty: Intermediate - species  (Would suggest hybrids for new to polychilos)
🪴Size:  Medium
🌸 Blooms: VERY Fragrant, sequential bloomer
🌱 Grown by: Mericlone
🧬 Genetics: subg-polychilos

Culture and Care Information

*Cultural and care information is based on average Phalaenopsis subg-Polychilos hybrids, use it as guide and should be adapted to suit your environment. Important to understand if your hybrid has subg-phalaenopsis genetics and adjust as needed.

🌡 Temp: Intermediate-Warm to Warm/Hot (20-32°C day - 18-24°C night) 18-25°C is acceptable range for most indoor growing, especially hybrids, with 4-6°C difference day/night. Warm to hot temperature helps induces spike (flowering)

💧 Water: For Polychilos - Wet to almost dry cycles, complete dryout occasionally but not necessary especially in vegetative (growing) stage or warm to hot temp.  When dry, soak with room temp or warm water until fully saturated for 2-24hours. Repeat when dry (winter) or approaching dry (summer/warm)

When roots are abundance can stay more moist. Reverse Osmosis / Distilled or Rain water is best. DO NOT use ice cubes.

If hybridized with subg-Phalaenopsis - Give complete dryout or root may rot, depending on the % of polychilos-phalaenopsis genetics. Safer to allow dryouts.

☁️Humidity: 30%+min for hybrids (40-60% optimal)

💡 Light: Bright indirect (East Morning or Sunset Light direct, Mid-summer day indirect) year round.  Artificial supplementary light recommended in winter or low light homes. 10-12 hour light period to induce continuous flowering. 

🌰Media: Our preference is top 3" Sphagnum Moss & Leca bottom combo. Moss/Bark mix also works, prefer slightly higher water retentive media than regular Phalaenopsis as they like to stay slightly moist.

🧪: Fertilize: When it's actively growing in vegetative stage - typically when a top leaf emerges and growing. We recommend MSU & Marphyll rotation in low dosage every other watering and allow water flushing in between. 

✨ Tip:See our guide to polychilos phalaenopsis here.

*Images are for reference purposes only and may differ from the actual product. Due to variations of each individual plant, differences in monitors, colours of products may also appear different to those shown on the site.