Prosthechea prismatocarpa


Size Guide

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Grc. Miva Etoile Noire × Psh. cochleata

💚Difficulty: Beg/Int 
🪴Size: Medium to Large, undefinite bulbs
🌸 Blooms: Fragrant, long lasting
🌱 Grown by: Laeliinae >  Prosthechea

*Cultural and care information based on average Laeliinae care, use it as guide and should be adapted to suit your environment

🌡 Temp: Intermediate to Hot - flex range, follow seasonal temp
💧 Water: Important for good Cattleya growth is to have their roots dry down between watering. Before watering, always check that the potting media has dried out sufficiently.  Frequency should depend on the type of media and pot used. In the summer when days are long and warm, the plants are in active growth, and photosynthesis is at a high rate, generally increase watering when approaching dry. During the cooler months watering when they are in "dormant" cycles, allow full dry outs between watering.    
☁️Humidity: 30-40%+min, drought tolerant if water properly
💡 Light: Bright, Medium direct 12-14 hours (SouthEast/West Light, avoid strongest hour of the day during summer. 🇨🇦 Winter allow maximum any direct light exposure) Cattleyas like light levels of about 2500-3500 foot candles (fc).  Due to lack of sunlight, Laelia / Cattleya Int. tend to grow from spring and flower by late summer to fall. 
🌰 Media: Sphagnum Moss and/or Fine bark mix combination.  Best time to repot is when there is sign of a new growth. The plant should be positioned in the pot so that the newest growth is farthest away from the edge of the pot, allowing the maximum number of new growths before crowding the pot. Keep humidity high and fast wet to dry cycles in the medium until new roots form.

🧪: Fertilize: When it's actively growing in vegetative stage - typically when a new growth or bulb emerges and is growing. Increase as the bulb gets more mature to maximize growth potential in the bulb to get highest chance of inflorescence (flowering).  We recommend MSU & Marphyll rotation in low dosage every other or 3 watering and allow water flushing in between.  Once a month, leach the pots where I water without fertilizer twice, one hour apart. This reduces any salt build ups.

✨ Tip: : Follow or grow similar to any Cattleya guide 

 *Images are for reference purposes only and may differ from the actual product. Due to variations of each individual plant, differences in monitors, colours of products may also appear different to those shown on the site. See more details