Mac. petola var. Kalimantan



*Cultural and care information based on average Goodyera care, use it as guide and should be adapted to suit your environment

šŸ’šDifficulty: Intermediate
šŸŒ±Size:  Miniature-Small
šŸŒø Blooms: No aroma. When flowering, leaf typically dies back and will create new growth from nodes and branch off
šŸŒ± Grown by: Mericlone 

šŸŒ” Temp: IW to Warm 
šŸ’§ Water: Consistent moisture is best (~40-60%)
ā˜ļøHumidity: 45%-60% consistency is key but ensure airflow
šŸ’” Light: Bright indirect (East Morning Light)
šŸŒ° Media: Sphagnum Moss or potting mix with semi aeration, whichever is best to keep a consistent moisture for your style of growing

*Images are for reference purposes only and may differ from the actual product. Due to variations of each individual plant, differences in monitors, colours of products may also appear different to those shown on the site.