Phragmipedium kovachii 'Jabba' HCC/AOS

When it comes to iconic characters in the realm of science fiction, one name that stands out is Jabba the Hutt. But who is Jabba exactly? One of our Phragmipedium kovachii of course, that recieved a HCC quality award.
How to Care for Phragmipedium Kovachii
Now, you may be wondering, how can you care for your own Phragmipedium kovachii? Fear not, dear reader, for this orchid may have a colorful past, but it's not as high-maintenance. Keep your kovachii in a well-draining mix, provide it with bright, indirect light, and water it regularly to keep it evenly moist. We grow our collection of kovachii in a our "golden standard Phrag mix", which is a composition of orchiata, perlite, charcoal. Some additional coco-peat moss is added for added moisture retention and we dress generously with our "slipper thrive" calcium/silicia additive.
Read more about the history and care of kovachii under our 'Ewok' blog post!
[John Doherty, Zephyrus Orchids, an esteemed judge poses with Jabba at the Windsor Judging]